Articles 'High Capacity Vehicles"
- J.P. Pauwelussen, N. Muthakana, K. Kural.: Exploring AI/machine Learning for High Capacity Vehicle Design, AVEC 2022 Symposium, Kanagawa, Japan (2022)
- J.P. Pauwelussen.: Gaussian processes and PBS assessment of articulated vehicles, HVTT16 Symposium , Qingdao, China (2021)
- A. Tomar, A. Kalose, K. Kural, J.P. Pauwelussen.: Dolly Steering Controller for Enhancing Low- and High-Speed Performance of High Capacity Vehicles, IAVSD conference (2020)
- K. Kural, C. Saxe, S. Kharazzi, T. Asp, B. Kraaijenhagen, J.P. Pauwelussen.: Smart infrastructure access policy: a highway towards more efficient road freight transport, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018, Vienna, Austria (2018).
- J.P. Pauwelussen, K. Kural, I.J.M. Besselink, B. Kraaijenhagen, S. Weijers, P. Hartmann, T. Pöllath.: A field research on the need of high capacity vehicles to reduce CO2 emission and improve profitability, HVTT14 Symposium, Rotorua, New Zealand (2016)
- K. Kural, I.J.M. Besselink, B. Kraaijenhagen, J.P. Pauwelussen, H. Nijmeijer, A. Prati, M. Meijs, T. Barth.: Greening and Safety Assurance of Future Modular Road Vehicles, HVTT13 Symposium, San Luis, Argentina (2014)
- K. Kural, I.J.M. Besselink, J.P. Pauwelussen, H. Neijmeijer, K. Patel.: Analysis of driver behaviour during reverse driving of double articulated vehicles, HVTT13 Symposium, San Luis, Argentina (2014)
- K. Kural, J.P. Pauwelussen, I.J.M. Besselink, A. Prati, H. Nijmeijer.: Validation of Longer and Heavier Vehicle Combination Simulation Models, SAE Int. J. Commercial Vehicles 6(2) (2013)
- K. Kural, I.J.M. Besselink, J.P. Pauwelussen, H. Nijmeijer.: Assessment of Dutch longer and heavier vehicles with performance based approach and its applicability to Europe, HVTT12 Symposium, Stockholm (2012)