Articles "Driver behaviour and assessment"
- J.P. Pauwelussen.: The Driver Experience Under Extreme Lane Change Conditions, International Journal of Driving Science, 1, (1), 1-16 (2018)
- K. Kural, I.J.M. Besselink, J.P. Pauwelussen, H. Nijmeijer, K. Patel.: Analysis of driver behaviour during reverse driving of double articulated vehicles, HVTT13 Symposium, San Luis, Argentina (2014)
- J.P. Pauwelussen, O. Patil.: On road driver state estimation, FISITA World Automotive Congress, Maastricht (2014)
- J.P. Pauwelussen.: Dependencies of driver steering control parameters, Vehicle System Dynamics 50(6): 1-21 (2012)
- J.P. Pauwelussen.: A basis for driver state estimation, AVEC Symposium, Loughborough (2010)
- J.P. Pauwelussen. S. Monsma, L.J. Buning, P. Bremmer.: The human touch in tyre handling performance assessment, a model approach. AVEC ’08 Symposium, Kobe, Japan (2008)
- J.P. Pauwelussen, J.J.A. Pauwelussen.: Exploration of Steering Wheel Angle Based Workload Measures in Relationship to Steering Feel Evaluation. AVEC 2004 Symposium, Arnhem, The Netherlands (2004)