Articles "Tyre behaviour"
- J.P. Pauwelussen.: Axle characteristics and vehicle limit cycle behaviour, Vehicle System Dynamics, DOI: 10.1080/00423114.2024.2322487 (2024)
- J.P. Pauwelussen. S. Monsma, L.J. Buning, P. Bremmer.: The human touch in tyre handling performance assessment, a model approach. AVEC ’08 Symposium, Kobe, Japan (2008)
- J.P. Pauwelussen, W. Dalhuijzen, M. Merts.: Tyre dynamics, tyre as a vehicle component. Part 1.: Tyre handling performance. Virtual Education Rubber Technology (VERT), FI-04-B-F-PP-160531, Leonardo da Vinci
- J.P. Pauwelussen, W. Dalhuijzen, M. Merts.: Tyre dynamics, tyre as a vehicle component. Part 2.: Driver judgement of tyre handling characteristics. Virtual Education Rubber Technology (VERT), FI-04-B-F-PP-160531, Leonardo da Vinci
- J.P. Pauwelussen, W. Dalhuijzen, M. Merts.: Tyre dynamics, tyre as a vehicle component. Part 3.: Rolling resistance. Virtual Education Rubber Technology (VERT), FI-04-B-F-PP-160531, Leonardo da Vinci
- J.P. Pauwelussen.: The local contact between tyre and road under steady state combined road conditions. Vehicle System Dynamics, 41:1,pp. 1-26 (2004)
- J.P. Pauwelussen, A. Schmeitz, L. Gootjes, C. Schröder, K-U Köhne.: Full vehicle ABS-braking using the SWIFT rigid ring tyre model. Journal on Control Engineering Practice (2003)
- J.P. Pauwelussen.: Steady state tyre behaviour with emphasis on local contact phenomena, AVEC '02 Symposium, Hiroshima, Japan (2002)
- A.J.C. Schmeitz, J.P. Pauwelussen.: An efficient dynamic ride and handling tyre model for arbitrary road unevennesses. In Reifen, Fahrwerk, Fahrbahn : Tagung Hannover, 18-19 Oktober 2001 (pp. 173-199). VDI-Verlag.